Mother-love is considered to be the most sublime feeling in the world and this video is the strong proof of it. The mare featured in the video is a brave mum who shares an unconditional love for her child.

As soon as she sees stallions trying to get closer and closer to her newborn foal she won’t let any of them get close to her child; she is pushing them all with her back legs. The stallions didn’t stop and they tried again to get closer to the baby and they still got the same reaction from the mare.

For some minutes straight the same thing was going on repeatedly yet the stallions couldn’t get close. At the moment that a baby is born, a parent dedicates all his/her life to grow up a healthy child and protect it at all costs.

No one can understand the feeling unless being a parent. This is an unwritten law and it’s valid for all the species in the world. Love your parents and be thankful for having them because no one in the world will ever love you as they do.

Have a look at the following video for more, let us know your thoughts on the video and do not forget so share the video on social media with your family and friends!