One of the most difficult things about horses is trying to understand their behavior. The more time you get to spend with them, the more you realize that it can be unpredictable to an unbelievable extent. As much as we love horses and as much do they give us a lot of positive energy and emotional satisfaction, horses can be aggressive as well. The aggressiveness might come as a consequence of a lot of factors and this is something that horse people lack to understand.

For example, a horse might have a pain that is incurred by a possible disease and you might be surprised why it is aggressive as you would not expect a possible disease to be the problem. Other problems might be related to training. A lot of performers who want to deliver perfect performances before the audience put a lot of pressure on horses and sometimes they forget that horses need to rest. It is true that they usually have high endurance, nevertheless, such extremes should not be allowed because it will be reflected negatively in the thing that you want to be the most important, satisfying the audience.

During the “Big Lick” North Carolina Championship Horse Show, a Tennessee walking horse who took part in the Amateur Specialty Gelding Class throwing his rider on the ground. This show has been held at the Western NC Agricultural Center in Asheville, North Carolina! Some of the spectators said that cruelty and abuse caused this “Big Lick” Tennessee walking horse to throw his rider.

It is a well-known fact that terrible methods are used to force train this these Big Lick show horses and horses’ legs and hooves are not meant to withstand that forced deformity. Forcing a horse to move in this ugly, unnatural movement should not be accepted by any horse owner, trainer or rider. Those people who do this to the poor horses are brainwashed and we should give our best to raise awareness.

The horse from this video could not stand the pain and that’s why he reacted that way. I really hope that all the riders out there get a valuable lesson from this video because the same might happen to them if they do not take of their horses in a proper way. Please have a look and share it with someone that you think you need to share it with!