There is nothing new about the fact that horses are our best friends, a lot of you might probably agree on the fact that horses are even better friends than our human ones. Our connection with horses is really special, it is usually love at first sight. Even people who did not have a first enjoyable experience with horses, within themselves, knew that horses were going to be a really important part of their future lives and as long as you are here, reading this, I am pretty sure that this is true.

Not only do we give them a lot of love and attention because they deserve it but they do the same in return. As much time as you spend with a horse, as difficult it is for you to say goodbye to it and vice versa. A lot of horses have shown very aggressive behavior when they changed owners as they might have been very happy with the previous owners and they were not ready for a change. All this love and attention is translated into loyalty as well.

Horses are definitely loyal animals, as loyal as dogs and this beautiful horse in the video below proves it. Richard Kinnon was lucky enough to experience an extraordinary friendship with his wonderful stallion Whitey. His horse follows him everywhere, and he even goes after Richard while he is doing his regular job- driving coach rides for Cobb and Co in Longreach, Outback Queensland. Whitey has a marvelous behavior, and he is even more adorable because of his unusual appearance. This charming cremello horse has a particular color, inherited from his parents, he has blue eyes and pink skin.

Whitey really is a special horse. Based on these characteristics, he is very distinctive to other horses and you can easily determine him. My favorite thing about him is definitely his eyes, who are really special. When I got to see how loyal he was towards his owner, I fell even more in love with him. He is definitely a horse that everyone would dream of having. There’s nothing left to say but watch this amazing video below. Please let us know what you think about it in the comment section.